Privacy policy

Privacy Policy for Personal Information

The company ITserw (IP Vorobev) (hereinafter referred to as the Company) respects the right of everyone to privacy.

To use some of the Company's services, programs and products (hereinafter referred to as the Company's Products), you may need to complete the registration procedure or provide personal information to the Company. You may need to register to access certain program features or participate in promotions. The Privacy Policy explains how such information is used. Please read these Privacy Terms carefully and ask questions if necessary.

These Privacy Terms govern the relationship between the Company and any individual, individual entrepreneur, legal entity (hereinafter referred to as the User) for the processing of Personal Information, including, but not limited to, the collection, use, preservation and security of information provided by the User and/or collected from the User. These Privacy Terms apply to all information that the Company and / or its affiliates or other authorized persons acting on behalf of the Company may receive about the User during the use of any of the Company's Products.

Please note: the use of the Company's Products means that you fully agree to all the provisions of these Privacy Terms and conditions for the processing of your personal information specified in them. If you do not agree to unconditionally accept all the provisions of these Privacy Terms, you are not allowed to use the Company's Products and must remove all their components from your computer (computer).

1. Personal Information collected and processed by the Company within the framework of these Privacy Terms, personal information is understood as:

1.1. Information (including, but not limited to, personal data) that the User independently provides to the Company when performing actions aimed at registering the Company's Products (including activation) or as part of their use (including creating an account, contacting the support service). Information is provided by filling in the appropriate forms by the User, and the amount of information provided when filling in the optional fields of these forms is determined by the User independently.

1.2. Information obtained automatically when using the Company's Products by the User, including from cookies (when downloading materials from the Company's websites, information about the User's system is automatically checked; when using communication tools by the User, materials and messages that he sent and received can be saved, while the Company reserves the right to check the content of the User's communication on its websites).

1.3. User Data – any information uploaded (entered) by the User to the Company's Products.

1.4. Other information about the User that the Company receives exclusively for the purposes specified in Section 2 of these Privacy Terms.

2. Purposes of collecting and processing users ' personal information

The collection, storage and processing of the information specified in section 1 of these Privacy Terms is carried out exclusively for the following specific purposes:

2.1. To identify the User when using the Company's Products;

2.2. To personalize the recording of visits (including for the purpose of providing personalized services to the User) and to register User actions, the Company uses Cookies.

2.3. To interact with the User within the framework of contracts or agreements concluded with the Company.

2.4. To conduct statistical and other research based on depersonalized data (including to find out the opinion of Users about various products and services provided by the Company).

3. Conditions for processing the User's personal information and its transfer to third parties

3.1. Storage (including modification and deletion) of personal information of Users is carried out in accordance with the functional purpose of specific Products of the Company, technical documentation for them, as well as the License Agreement for their use.

3.2. Disclosure of personal information to third parties is carried out in the following cases:

3.2.1. The User has expressed his consent to such disclosure in advance.

3.2.2. The transfer is necessary for the performance of a contract to which the User is a party or a beneficiary or guarantor, as well as for the conclusion of a contract on the User's initiative or a contract under which the User will be a beneficiary or guarantor.

3.2.3. The transfer is necessary to protect the rights and legitimate interests of the Company or third parties in cases where the User violates the Company's copyright and / or the corresponding License Agreement.

3.2.4. The transfer is necessary for the administration of justice, execution of a judicial act, an act of another body or official subject to execution in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation on enforcement proceedings or other cases provided for by the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

3.3. When processing personal data of users, 1C-Bitrix is guided by the Federal Law of the Russian Federation "On Personal Data".

4. Limitations of Liability

4.1. The Company does not initiate the placement of personal information when using the Company's Products, does not control its accuracy and relevance, however, the Company reserves the right to require confirmation of the accuracy of the information transmitted to it by the User.

4.2. When placing (providing the Company) personal information of third parties, the User guarantees that he has received all necessary permissions and consents to these actions, and also guarantees the full and unconditional consent of these persons to all the provisions of these Terms of Confidentiality.

4.3. The Company cannot maintain the confidentiality of the User's personal information, public access to which is provided by the User himself due to the functional purposes of the corresponding Product of the Company; The User agrees that when using such Products, a certain part of his personal information becomes available to an unlimited number of persons.

5. Protection of personal information

The Company takes the necessary legal, organizational and technical measures or ensures their adoption to protect personal information from unauthorized or accidental access to it, destruction, modification, blocking, copying, provision, distribution of personal information, as well as from other illegal actions in relation to personal information, including:

* Uses RSA encryption in the Company's Products.

* Provides two-step authentication for account access, if necessary.

· Provides protection of authorized sessions.

* Continuously improves the way data is collected, stored and processed.

6. Final provisions

These Privacy Terms and Conditions may be changed by the Company unilaterally by posting a new version of them on the Internet at https://.../privacy.php. In the event of a discrepancy between the Terms of Confidentiality and the provisions of the User License Agreement, the License Agreement shall prevail.

7. Contact information:
IP Vorobev Denis Alexandrovich
115547, Moscow, Mikhnevsky p-d, 8-2-148
TIN 773716645506
OGRNIP 309774620201142
r / s 40802810900000027636
BIC 044525974
k / s 30101810145250000974
Tel. +7 (495) 721-44-21